Aaron is 1.5 months old! He had newborn rashes for almost 3 weeks and we wanted to keep his skincare simple and pure. We started him on Pigeon’s Newborn Pure skincare at 1 month of age. I love the Moisturizing Lotion best for it’s lightweight-ness and gentle baby scent. Pigeon Singapore Newborn Pure range has dual moisturization by Natulayer™ that
Sisters Maternity Shoot
Sisters Maternity Shoot
Sisters don't need words. They have perfected their own secret language of smiles, sniffs, sighs, gasps, winks and eye rolls. Got to say it again, there’s really no better person than a sister, to be in a pregnancy journey together! My sister, my best friend. Thank you, Zonia, for being the best yiyi to Arielle for the past
Welcome to the world, Aaron - 24th January 2020
Welcome to the world, Aaron - 24th January 2020
My Birth Story - 24th Jan 2020 I had trouble sleeping since 2 nights before I delivered Aaron. The night before was worse, I felt constant tightening in my stomach and pressure down below. I never had contractions from my pregnancy with Arielle, and Aaron has always been very active. I innocently thought it was just Aaron being
34 Weeks Pregnant Maternity Shoot - Aaron
34 Weeks Pregnant Maternity Shoot - Aaron
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